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Stream Flows (CFS)

North Fork Stanislaus River Stream Conditions for previous 24 hours:

Time NSM CFS Avery CFS Avery Tmp McKays Spill Beaver Creek to McKays
05-OCT-2024 05:30 151 171 54 0 0
05-OCT-2024 06:00 150 170 54 0 0
05-OCT-2024 06:30 150 171 54 0 0
05-OCT-2024 07:00 151 171 53 0 0
05-OCT-2024 07:30 152 173 53 0 0
05-OCT-2024 08:00 150 171 53 0 0
05-OCT-2024 08:30 149 173 53 0 0
05-OCT-2024 09:00 150 171 53 0 0
05-OCT-2024 09:30 149 171 52 0 0
05-OCT-2024 10:00 151 173 52 0 0
05-OCT-2024 10:30 151 171 52 0 0
05-OCT-2024 11:00 150 171 52 0 0
05-OCT-2024 11:30 151 170 53 0 0
05-OCT-2024 12:00 151 171 53 0 0
05-OCT-2024 12:30 151 171 53 0 0
05-OCT-2024 13:00 150 173 54 0 0
05-OCT-2024 13:30 150 171 54 0 0
05-OCT-2024 14:00 149 171 54 0 0
05-OCT-2024 14:30 151 171 55 0 0
05-OCT-2024 15:00 150 170 55 0 0
05-OCT-2024 15:30 150 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 16:00 150 170 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 16:30 156 173 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 17:00 163 170 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 17:30 171 170 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 18:00 179 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 18:30 189 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 19:00 199 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 19:30 206 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 20:00 215 173 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 20:30 225 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 21:00 233 170 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 21:30 242 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 22:00 252 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 22:30 263 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 23:00 273 170 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 23:30 282 171 56 0 0
05-OCT-2024 24:00 295 171 56 0 0
06-OCT-2024 00:30 300 171 56 0 0
06-OCT-2024 01:00 298 171 55 0 0
06-OCT-2024 01:30 300 171 55 0 0
06-OCT-2024 02:00 301 171 55 0 0
06-OCT-2024 02:30 302 173 55 0 0
06-OCT-2024 03:00 299 171 55 0 0
06-OCT-2024 03:30 300 170 55 0 0
06-OCT-2024 04:00 300 171 55 0 0
06-OCT-2024 04:30 301 171 55 0 0
06-OCT-2024 05:00 299 170 55 0 0

All data is preliminary. This Information is provided with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be correct or complete and conclusions drawn from such information are the sole responsibility of the user.



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